Sunday, November 22, 2015

Weekend Warriors Pt. 2

After spending Friday evening in watching movies and eating Pozole, we woke up early Saturday with the intent to get more than a few things out of the way. Even when we lived in our apartment the need for a deep freeze was real. Every November Weston goes on his annual SandRats beach trip where he goes about 19 miles down the National Seashore and stays Sunday-Thursday. It's a huge fishing trip he has been doing for years and spends an entire week preparing for. I on the other hand prepare by attempting to make room in our freezer for all the fish or bait he inevitably brings home. Living in an apartment, we had a very sub-par small freezer and barely had enough room for our weekly groceries so imagine trying to fit an extra few pounds of fish in there as well. Not happening. Once we bought our house and upgraded to a brand new fridge that is literally 3x's bigger we still were struggling to find room for all these things. So the hunt was on for a deep freeze.

When you buy a home, you get LOADS of junk mail from companies that somehow found out you were a new home owner. However, they always send really great coupons. We received a few from Lowe's, Home Depot, and Sears worth about 10% off each so we decided to go there first. Home Depot is ran by idiots who don't know what they are talking about and we couldn't even looking for a freezer peacefully at Sears because the salesmen are going crazy trying to get those extra sales in. So Weston finally found the freezer of his dreams at Lowe's. A huge 20 cu. ft. stainless steel freezer that matched our appliances (per my request). We got it on super sale PLUS the coupon, so basically we got it half off. Not bad for a Saturday morning! After unloading it in the rain/mist/wind, we had lunch with Weston's parents at the Saltwater Grill like we do every Saturday.

I spent the rest of the evening at work and later we met up with friends for drinks at their home.

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